
Swiss Government Excellence Fully-Funded Scholarships 2025/2026 | Description, Details, Eligibility, And How to Apply 

Scholarship Description

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for 2025/2026 provides a fully-funded scholarship to international students; this scholarship is available for postdoctoral, PhD, and masters studies. This scholarship includes a monthly payment as well as exemptions from tuition fees, insurance coverage, air travel, and housing allowance.


The Swiss Scholarships is sponsored jointly by the Swiss Government and the Federal Commission of Scholarships. Swiss Government Scholarships awards scholarships to over 180 countries; this scholarship is open to postgraduate researchers in all academic fields and medical students.

Research Scholarships are available for postgraduate researchers of any discipline with a Master’ degree or higher; they can also pursue doctoral research in Switzerland or further study.



Swiss Universities

Level/Field(s) of Study

Postdoctoral, PhD, and masters

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship Details

  • The scholarship is open to postgraduate researchers from any discipline who hold a master’s degree or higher and plan to study or conduct research in Switzerland at the doctoral level or beyond.
  • All Swiss cantonal Universities, universities of applied science, the two Federal Institutes of Technology, and the four research institutions offer research scholarships for study or research. Only candidates nominated by a mentor from one of the higher education institutions that make up the Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences, and federal institutes of technology will be considered.
  • Students wishing to earn a master’s in art can apply for a scholarship.
  • Art scholarships are available to study at any Swiss university or conservatory; the scholarship is only available to students who come from a select number of countries.

Scholarship Coverage

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships provide the following benefits to the recipients:

  • The monthly scholarship payment is CHF 1,920.
  • The FCS covers the mandatory Swiss health insurance only for non-EU or non-EFTA grantees.
  • No family allowances are available.
  • The scholarship holders who are not from EU or EFTA countries will receive a lump sum for a return flight to their home country (provided after the completion of the scholarship).
  • Housing allowance of CHF 300 (paid at the start of the scholarship).
  • Half-price public transport card for a year.
  • Swiss Excellence Scholarship holders can benefit from a variety of trips, dinners, and tours.

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships Eligibility

Candidates must meet all the requirements listed below to be eligible for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible countries: All countries of the world
  • The Swiss university must recognize the degree as a Master’s or an equivalent degree. The degree must be presented to the Federal Commission for Scholarships as proof before the start date of the scholarship.
  • The applicant must have been born after December 31, 1989.
  • Applicants who have been in Switzerland for more than a year when the scholarship begins in September will not be eligible.
  • The applicant must submit a letter (including a short CV) from the academic host professor at the Swiss university of choice confirming that he/she is willing and able to supervise the research; the application will be rejected if it does not have this support.
  • The applicant must submit a research plan, including a timeline; the research proposal is the heart of the application, and this is the most important part of the application.
  • The applicant must have the required language skills for the research/studies.
  • A previous Swiss Excellence Scholarship is not valid for applicants who wish to apply again.
  • The recipients of the scholarship are expected to relocate to Switzerland for their entire grant period.

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How to Apply

Please follow these instructions when applying for the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.

Prepare the following documents.

  1. Please sign and date the FCS application form.
  2. Full CV, including a list of publications and awards
  3. A motivation letter (max. 2 pages).
  4. The FCS research proposal, a maximum of 5 pages (signed), should be used to create a complete research proposal.
  5. The letter of support from the host professor at the Swiss university chosen, including a short CV.
  6. The CV of your academic mentor.
  7. Use only the FCS reference form for the first set. Originals must be in sealed envelopes. Second set: No copies.
  8. Photocopies of certificates and grade sheets from previously attended universities/colleges and diplomas with grades, starting with the most recent. In English or French, Italian, or German, with certified English translations. Original certificates should not be submitted.
  9. Use only the FCS Health Certificate form to sign your medical certificate.
  10. Two copies of your passport (main page with all personal information). Dual nationals must submit copies of both passports. Applicants already in Switzerland at the time of application must add a copy of their residence permit.

Visit the official website to learn more about Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships: Official Web site

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