
Anxiety Disorder: Sign and Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Treatments, and Prevention 


It is a normal and often healthy emotion, but if someone is regularly experiencing a high level of anxiety, it may be a medical condition.


Anxiety is a normal feeling. It’s the brain’s way of responding to stress and alerting you to the possibility of danger in the future.

Every person is anxious now and then. For instance, you might be worried when confronted with a dilemma at work, before taking tests or making a crucial decision.


However, those suffering from anxiety disorders often experience intense, persistent, excessive anxiety and worry about daily events. Most often, anxiety disorders cause regular episodes of fear or terror that can reach an extreme within a few minutes (panic episodes).

What are Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders are a form of mental health issue. If you suffer from anxiety-related disorder, you might react to certain situations with fear. Additionally, you may experience physical signs of anxiety like a heavy heart beating and sweating.

What are Anxiety Dissorders?

It’s normal for people to experience anxiety. You might feel nervous or anxious if you need to solve an issue at work, take part in an interview, sit for a test, or make crucial decisions. Anxiety can help you. For instance, anxiety can help us spot dangerous situations and concentrate our attention to ensure that we are protected. An anxiety disorder is beyond the normal worry and a slight trepidation (concern) you experience from time to time. 

Anxiety problems make it hard for people to manage their day.


The Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

There is a variety of anxiety disorders:

  • Phobia. This is an overly fear of a thing, place, or event.
  • Generalized anxiety disorders. You experience anxiety, worry, and stress for no reason at all.
  • The panic condition. It is an intense, sudden fear which triggers the feeling of having an anxiety attack. During a panic attack, you might be sweaty and experience the sensation of having chest pain and an accelerated heart rate. There are times when you feel as if you’re choked or suffering from a cardiac attack.
  • The disorder of Social Anxiety. It is when you experience a lot of anxiety and self-consciousness over everyday social events. It is a constant worry of others making you feel judged or humiliated or criticized.
  • Specific fears. The fear you feel is intense for certain objects or situations such as high altitudes or flying. The fear extends beyond what is acceptable and can lead you to avoid common situations.
  • Agoraphobia. You are terrified that you are in a location where it is difficult to get away or to seek assistance if you need it. For instance, you might fear or be nervous traveling on public transportation or in line.
  • Separation anxiety. Children aren’t the only ones to feel nervous or scared when someone close to them leaves. Anybody can be affected by an anxiety-related disorder called separation. If you suffer from it, you’ll be extremely anxious or scared when someone who you are close to is absent from your life. It’s hard not to worry about what might occur to the person you love.
  • Selective Mutism. It is a form of social anxiety where young children who usually speak with their family members don’t speak in public as they do at home.
  • Anxiety disorder induced by medication. Certain medications or illicit drugs and withdrawals from specific substances may trigger symptoms related to anxiety.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder. It means that you are prone to frequent, irrational thoughts that cause you to engage in specific routine behavior.
  • Anxiety disorder due to illness. This is anxiety about your health.

The feeling of anxiety is different based on the individual experiencing it. The feelings can range from butterflies in your stomach to a racing heart. It’s possible to feel out of control, like an uneasy relationship between your mind and your body.

You might experience an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety, or you might be worried about an area or event. In certain situations, you might suffer from panic attacks.

Anxiety Disorder Signs and Symptoms

The primary symptom of anxiety disorders is fear. Anxiety disorders can cause breathing difficulties in breathing, insomnia, and an inability to remain still and focus. The symptoms you experience are based on the kind of anxiety disorder you suffer from.

Anxiety Disorder Signs and Symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms of anxiety are:

  • Feeling restless.
  • A feeling of imminent danger, fear, or threat.
  • Heart rate increases
  • Sweating
  • Tense
  • Feeling tired or weak
  • Sleeping problems
  • Have trouble controlling your worry
  • The urge to avoid things that can cause anxiety
  • Sleep issues
  • Being unable to remain in peace and calm
  • The cold, sweaty, numb, or tingling hands and feet
  • Breathlessness
  • Breathing more rapidly and faster than usual (hyperventilation)
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Tense muscles
  • Dizziness
  • The same problem is being thought about every day, and are unable to put it down (rumination)
  • Inability to focus
  • Avoiding adversity or avoiding objects or locations

What are The Causes of Anxiety Disorder?

The reasons behind anxiety disorders aren’t well understood. Traumatic life experiences can create anxiety disorders in people who are already susceptible to anxiety. The genetics of the person can also cause anxiety.

  • Genetics. Anxiety disorders are often passed down through families.
  • Brain Chemistry. Certain studies suggest that anxiety disorders could be related to malfunctioning circuits in the brain that regulates emotion and fear.
  • Environmental stress. This is a term used to describe stressful situations that you’ve endured. The most common life events that trigger anxiety disorders are child abuse and neglect, as well as the loss of a loved one or witnessing violence. Environmental stressors, for example, problems at work, relationships difficulties, or family conflicts
  • Abuse or withdrawal from drugs. Certain drugs can be used to mask or lessen certain anxiety-related symptoms. Anxiety disorder is often with alcohol and other substances.
  • Medical ailments. Certain lung, heart, and thyroid issues can trigger symptoms similar to those of anxiety conditions or cause anxiety symptoms to become more severe. 
  • Chemical imbalance. Long-term stress or extreme tension can alter the chemical equilibrium that regulates your mood. Stressing out over a prolonged period can cause anxiety disorders.

Risk Factors That Cause Anxiety Disorder

Certain factors can also increase the likelihood that you will develop anxiety disorders. These are known as risk factors. Certain risk factors aren’t possible to alter, while others can.

Risk factors that cause Anxiety Disorder

The risk factors for anxiety disorders are:

  • The history of mental health disorders. If you suffer from another mental health condition, such as depression, it increases your likelihood of suffering from anxiety disorders.
  • Abuse during childhood. Sexual, Physical and emotional abuse in childhood can lead to anxiety-related disorders later on.
  • Trauma. A traumatic experience increases the likelihood of suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which can result in panic attacks.
  • Negative life events. Life events that are stressful or negative such as losing a parent early in childhood can increase the chance of developing anxiety disorders.
  • A serious illness or chronic health issue. Constant worrying about your health or that of someone you love, or taking care of those who are sick, could cause you to be anxious and overwhelmed.
  • Addiction to substances. Alcohol and illicit drugs make it more likely that you will develop anxiety disorders. People also resort to these substances to conceal or reduce anxiety symptoms.
  • Shyness is common in young children. Shyness and withdrawal from new environments and people in childhood are linked to anxiety about social situations in teenagers and adults.
  • Low self-esteem. Self-esteem issues can cause social anxiety disorders.
  • The buildup of stress. A significant event or life event can trigger excessive anxiety, for instance, an untimely death in the family, work stress, or stress over financial matters.
  • Personality. People with certain personalities are more prone to suffering from an anxiety disorder than other types.

Read More: How to Recognize Mental And Emotional Abuse, and Why It’s Not Your Fault

Read More: Depression : Causes, Signs and symptoms, Complications, Treatment and Prevention.

Read More: Cognitive Dissonance And Ways To Resolve It

Treatment and Prevention for Anxiety Disorder

It can be difficult to say exactly what triggers people to develop anxiety disorders. However, you can take steps to minimize the effects of your symptoms if you’re suffering from anxiety:

Treatment and Prevention for Anxiety Disorder

Stay physically active.

Create a schedule so that you can be physically active at various or most times of the week. Exercise can be a great stress-reducing tool. It can boost your mood as well as help you remain healthy. Begin with a slow start and gradually increase the quantity as well as the intensity of workouts.

Beware of alcohol and other recreational drugs.

These chemicals can trigger or increase anxiety. If you are unable to quit by yourself, consult your doctor or find a support organization to support you.

Stop smoking and cut down or stop drinking caffeine-based beverages.

Caffeine and nicotine can cause anxiety.

Stress control or relaxation strategies.

Meditation techniques, visualization, as well as yoga are examples of methods of relaxing that help ease anxiety.

Sleep is a must.

Take the necessary steps to ensure that you’re getting enough sleep so that you be rested. If you’re not sleeping well, consult your doctor.

Consume healthy food.

A balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, fish, and whole grains could be associated with less anxiety, but more study is required.

Learn about your disorder.

Speak to your healthcare doctor to determine the cause of your particular problem and the treatment that is most suitable for you. Invite your family and friends to participate and request their assistance.

Stay on your treatment strategy.

Use medications according to the directions. Make sure you attend therapy regularly and complete any tasks the therapist assigns. A consistent schedule can make a huge difference, particularly when you take the medication.

Find triggers.

Discover what events or circumstances can cause stress or increase your anxiety. Develop strategies with your mental health professional so that you are prepared to manage anxiety when you’re in these situations.

Keep a journal.

Maintaining a record of your life’s details will aid you, as well as your mental health professional determining what’s making you stressed and also what’s helping you feel more relaxed.


 Don’t let worry keep you from your loved ones or other activities.


Many people have experienced anxiety at times. Strategies to try include journaling, breathing exercises, practicing gratitude, and taking care of yourself can be beneficial.

If anxiety impacts relationships, performance at work, and many other aspects of life, it is possible that the anxious feelings could be likely a sign of mental illness.

If you’re suffering from panic or anxiety symptoms, consult your physician or mental health specialist. They can discuss any issues you may have, offer information about the diagnosis, and talk about possible treatment options.

What is Anxiety
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