
How to Build Self-Respect

Self-respect is a critical ingredient in happiness. It can not be “just switched on”. People in dire need of self-respect may look for a quick fix. They might buy a new car, new clothes, or display arrogance to feel superior. Perhaps they allow others to invade their space because it makes them feel better.


Do you know that self-respect and self-esteem are two different things?

How you feel and think about yourself is a key factor in self-esteem. What you do is what will determine your self-respect.


Showing Self-respect does NOT make you selfish or arrogant. It does the exact opposite. Respecting ourselves makes us more worthy to receive love and give it back.

A strong sense of self-respect will help you reach your full potential, build healthy relationships and show respect to others. You must first accept yourself and work towards becoming the person you dreamed of being. You can learn to be happy with yourself and have the world treat you the way you deserve.

What is self-respect?

Self-respect can be defined as a sense of self-worth and confidence that has been earned over time. You feel great about yourself and your ability to live by your values, integrity, and life priorities.

Self-respect is a trait that helps you trust yourself and your actions; understanding respect is the first step to understanding self-respect. Respecting another person means honoring their dignity and treating them as human beings. Are you able to honor yourself and not shame yourself? You’re building self-respect if you do. It can be difficult to respect yourself if you have suffered trauma, been abused, or been betrayed by a spouse, friend, or partner. You may believe you are not worthy of respect because the people who hurt your feelings didn’t respect you.


Respect and dignity are yours. You can improve your self-respect by focusing on your achievements, celebrating what you have accomplished, and acknowledging how much you have grown. It would be best if you chose to spend your energy and time with people who show you respect and care. Respect yourself by accepting and celebrating your strengths and positive qualities.

Why is self-respect important?

  • Like any other human being, you deserve respect.
  • You are responsible for your self-esteem.
  • The amount you respect yourself will determine how others treat you.

If you don’t respect yourself, others, especially those who look to you for an example of how to live and relate to others, pick up on that.

When you build self-respect. 

Self-respect is built on action. It’s more productive to take positive actions, regardless of how you feel or think. Your self-esteem will be affected by your actions. You can show others how much you respect yourself by your actions and words. The message you send has a profound impact on others and on yourself.

How to Develop Healthy Self-Respect.


Self-forgiveness is a crucial ingredient in self-respect. You must be able to forgive yourself for past mistakes and show self-respect. Acknowledge what you did wrong and apologize to others. Then, move on. You won’t be able to move forward if you are too harsh on yourself for making a wrong decision or saying something hurtful.

Accept yourself

Accept yourself and be comfortable in your skin. You don’t have to be perfect, but you have to put maximum effort to be better and keep working on yourself.

Work on your self-confidence. 

It takes effort to build true confidence, but you can do a few simple things each day to get started.

  • Begin by focusing on positive body language, good posture, and smiling.
  • Accept compliments from others by saying “Thank You!”

Do not let others’ opinions about you influence you negatively.

Many people allow other people’s perceptions and actions to shape their lives; these people easily become approval addicts. They don’t listen to their needs; they are saying, “Please accept me so that I can love myself.” Don’t live your life for people’s approval; do what is right and live by your values.

Determine your values.

Random actions based on guesswork or the opinions and suggestions of others will not work.

Your values should guide your actions, and they must reflect your true self. These values will guide every decision and action you make in your life.

Pay attention to details.

Do you remember if your taxi driver kept the meter on or your friend left you waiting for over an hour? Pay attention to the little things that can take advantage of your time, kindness, and money. Speak up for yourself if you feel exploited; be assertive.

Do not let others define your boundaries.

Although many people are good-hearted, their advice can often be clouded by emotional baggage. When someone says “You won’t be able” or “You shouldn’t” or “You cannot,” find out for yourself and do that diligently. 

Learn to say no.

It doesn’t make someone a bad person, but it does make them a stronger and more respectable person. You will find that you are more open to engaging with people and activities you enjoy if you start saying no to things you don’t want to do.

Stop trying to keep up with everyone.

You may feel ashamed of being single while your friends are married or that you don’t earn as much as others. Keep your standards high and focus on the goals you set for yourself. Do not waste time on things that will only make you look good or gain you bragging rights. It is much more impressive to do what you love rather than follow the same path as everyone else.

Read More: What is Self Love and to Practice it?

Read More: The Importance of Personal Development and Self-Improvement

Read More: Depression : Causes, Signs and symptoms, Complications, Treatment and Prevention.

Find a partner that respects you.

Do you know where self-respect is most easily lost? You guessed it, dating. Many people have so much to offer, but they are trapped in relationships that force them to sacrifice a part of themselves. They must have the self-respect to move on. Although it can be scary, ending a relationship is less painful than having a partner unwilling to give you what you need: love and respect. 

Manage your emotions.

Respecting yourself means learning to manage your emotions without creating more problems for you. If we allow our anger and hurt out destructively, it will embarrass us, destroy relationships, cause low self-respect, and lead to more problems.

Be confident in your decisions. 

Respect yourself. Be firm in your beliefs, and try to understand yourself to find what makes you happy. You deserve the reward of a well-made decision, and you should stick with it, no matter what.

  • Asking for help from others is okay. However, you should not spend too much time doubting your abilities, thinking you’re mistaken, or wishing you could have done something different.

Be able to accept criticism. 

You should evaluate the feedback you receive from others. The feedback may be helpful for your self-improvement. You can achieve your goal to be a better person by using constructive criticism.

  • Your boyfriend might criticize you for not listening when he needed you most, or your boss may say your report could have been better.

Recognize when you are wrong.

You must recognize when you make mistakes if you want to have self-respect. Let people know if you made a mistake. It should be done in a way that shows you are genuinely sorry and you have given enough thought to the situation to prevent it from happening again.

You can take responsibility for your actions and make amends; this will help you move beyond feeling guilty about your mistakes. It will also help your self-respect. You must show respect for yourself and others around you.

  • People will respect you more if you admit you are wrong and be more open to you being right.

Take responsibility. Be responsible.

You can show self-respect by taking care of yourself. Make sure you brush your teeth, comb your hair, maintain good hygiene. It would be best if you took care of yourself. Doing what you believe is right will make your self-respect skyrocket.


  1. Respect others.
  2. Forgive others quickly.
  3. Always be friendly with everyone you meet. People who are friendly will never be miserable; you should know that being “friendly” with someone does not mean you are friends with them. 
  4. Encourage others to do positive things.
  5. Don’t lie.
  6. Make good decisions.
Respect Yourself Or No One Else Will | Jordan Peterson
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